There are two laws that protect the rights of undocumented entrepreneurs in California– SB1159 and AB2184. We will also discuss AB5 for independent contractors in California.
Learn about the laws below:
There are two laws that protect the rights of undocumented entrepreneurs in California– SB1159 and AB2184. We will also discuss AB5 for independent contractors in California.
Learn about the laws below:
SB1159 allows individuals to apply for a professional license in California using an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) across all CA 40 license boards. Here are some examples of professional licenses:
AB2184 allows individuals without a social security number to obtain a business license (also known as a Business Tax Certificate) in California. This law requires local governments (city and county) to accept any of the following alternative numbers in lieu of a SSN for a business license application:
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Common Law Rule determines who is an independent contractor or an employee. In California, independent contractors are subject to AB5, the “ABC Test”.
Under the ABC test, a worker is considered an employee and not an independent contractor, unless the hiring entity satisfies all three of the following conditions:
In California, willful misclassification of workers can result in civil penalties, between $5,000 and $25,000 per violation.
More information about these guidelines can be found in the IRS Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide (Publication 15-A).
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© Immigrants Rising 2021